On the other hand, there are acts that can help you get over that broken relationship which exists only for one reason sex. Want to deal with the necessary evil by messing up your sex life? We have tips.
Don't ignore your desires
When you stop paying attention to your sexual urges, you shut your emotional side off, too. So, behaving like a sexually insensitive partner doesn't quite work.
Hiding things destroys trust, so keep sharing the passion you feel deep down. If you continually beat around the bush, your partner might get a hint of your wicked intentions.
No talking, thanks
To not communicate is the easiest way to say, "Look, I am no more interested in sharing the bed." To make matters worse, partners often pass critical and judgmental comments about a certain sexual traits and weaknesses. This is a serious no no.
When one or both the parties want to call it quits, they often make a mockery of each other's sexual fantasies. This isn't a good approach; stay away. Instead, adopt smart bad sex tricks in order to concentrate on how much love you share beyond the sex.
Thought game
The best way to spoil things is to think of someone else while you're at it. Thinking about work, health or household tensions will work, too.
Be sure that you totally get your self and your partner out of the mood. Or, give an account of past experiences you may've never revealed before.
Your partner will surely get angry and jealous at this. Make envy the centrepiece of the relationship, and you will see if it was possession over love all the while.
Remember not to talk about the jealousy openly, it can ruin the effect.
Body battles
Most of us don't have perfect bodies, and this has a great impact on our sex lives. We compare ourselves to idols, which leads to low self-esteem.
Looking more closely and observing that extra flab, or the wrinkles will help get over the desire, but don't play critic to your partner's personal parts, please.
Tell your partner that you're feeling very low, which instantly will result in avoiding uncomfortable circumstances.
Make it routine
If you make the act a routine affair, the spark will subside on its own. Having sex just for the sake of it can be annoying. If sex becomes a part of your daily schedule just like an office project, you lose much of the power, the magic of making love disappears.
Dirty business
Pornography can also bring disharmony in your relationship. There have been many reasons behind this some like virtuality better than reality, and want to try crazy new things. This behaviour replaces normal intimate behaviour with your partner, and turns lovers off like nothing else.
Fake STD
Yeah, this might sound like a very mean thing, but it really works. You can lie to your partner you've done it before, haven't you? The risk will make your partner turn away promptly, and you'll be showered with sympathy like never before. Make sure tests clear to him/her that the latter is clear of any risk, though.
These techniques will surely leave your sex life in a mess, but trying to call it quits doesn't mean you leave your partner half way through an orgasm. Humiliation is something we're highly against, and you don't wanna attract bad publicity, do you?
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