After watching one of the most romantic onscreen couples Shah Rukh and Kajol in ‘My Name is Khan’, gear up to see SRK perform flawlessly with the ethereal Aishwarya in an unnamed film. Yes, you guessed it right the two biggies are set to reunite years after an unsavoury event during the shoot of SRK’s ‘Chupke Chupke’ (all thanks to Ash’s ex-beau Sallu). After the tussle, Rani Mukerji replaced Ash in the film and SRK-Ash turned sworn enemies.
But everything changes with time, and now Shah Rukh and Ash have agreed to work on a film together. There have been speculations over the relations of SRK clan and the Bachchans, but now cold waves have given way to warm vibes. Credit goes to cinematographer-director Rajiv Menon for reuniting the SRK-Ash jodi. Latest news has it that Menon flew to London to narrate a dramatic script (with Aishwarya in mind) to Shah Rukh, which the actor has liked.

The two families have been giving peace signals in meets and parties. SRK and wife Gauri posed with the Bachchans for the shutterbugs at the ‘Drona’ premiere and recently, at Karan Johar’s birthday party, the two couples — SRK and Gauri, Ash and Abhi – had a great time together.

Hope we have great time watching SRK-Aishwarya onscreen after a long long time!

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